In line with the new SEND & AP Improvement Plan 2023 we are building our provisions based on the three tiers. 

Our provision will include interventions and mentoring methods that have been recommended by professionals and that are grounded in research.  The purpose of our provision is to support students in being able to see the positive impact education can have for them and to give them the skills to regulate and motivate themselves to make better decisions that help them achieve positive outcomes and build a brighter future.


Alongside intervention and mentoring we also hope that students, where appropriate, will be able to complete a qualification with us. We are working alongside The Princes Trust, ASDAN and Sports Leader Qualifications to offer a range of appropriate courses for students. We hope that this will not only motivate and engage students but it will also give them tangible evidence that they can achieve and be successful. 

Tier 1 -  Targeted Support 

AP Specialist early interventions and support to help at-risk pupils stay in mainstream schools. - See more. 

Tier 2 - Time-limited Placements

Short term placements in AP to assess and address pupil’s needs, with the expectation of return to their mainstream school. - Coming Soon.

Tier 3 - Transitional Placements 

Placements I AP for pupils who need support to move on to a new mainstream school or sustained post-16 destination.  - Coming Soon.