About us

Ignition Academy has been set up by those who have been working in education and have seen first hand the need for a good quality and impactful provision that has the aim of supporting students to be successful in their school. Too often students are not working towards clear goals that develop their life skills and teach them strategies to be more successful in school. Ignition Academy aims to change that by doing things a little differently.

We understand that some students find school a difficult experience and often there is little time or resources within a school day to work with these students to help them understand the value and importance of their education. Making learning valuable to the student needs to go hand in hand with building the students confidence, self-esteem and raising their aspirations. 

Often students go to Alternative Provision and are forgotten or the impact of the provision is never really seen back in the school environment. By working more collaboratively with the students, the schools and parents or carers we hope to see a greater impact, ultimately improving the experiences of students in their mainstream setting. 

We want to offer a service to schools that focuses on breaking down the barriers to learning and supporting students in accessing their current school successfully and being able to reach their full potential. 

A message from the founder, Suzi Miles

Ignition Academy is borne out of a desire to help young people realise that they can be who they want to be and achieve what they want to achieve. I really want them to know that it doesn’t matter where they have come from they are in charge of their next destination. It’s also been developed as a result of wanting to provide support to schools who have very limited options and resources available to them to support those students who struggle.  As our tagline says I want to change the conversation from alternative provision to personalised provision!

As an Assistant Headteacher, SENDCo, a previous Head of Year and an experienced English teacher, I have first hand experience of the difficulties of finding quality and impactful provision that helps develop our young adults into resilient, independent and well rounded individuals ready to take on the world.  Also, having ran my own business in the PR & Marketing industry working alongside engineering, lifestyle and motorcycle companies, I know that businesses are looking for young people who are good communicators and collaborators; potential employees who can work on their own initiative but also be part of a team. It is so important for us to build aspirations for young people so that they develop their own motivation. The current education system is a difficult one to navigate for many students and one that really wears down their self-esteem and confidence when they regularly find themselves being unsuccessful.  I know that we can’t change the education system at this moment in time (though we will be trying in other ways) but if we can offer a way to support students, as well as working with their schools and parents/carers, to have more successful experiences we really could make a huge difference to their lives.