Changing the conversation…from alternative to personalised provision!
As the world continues to change around us, Ignition Academy aims to ensure that students are able to access appropriate provision that will help them become successful individuals with a bright future ahead of them.
What will make our provision different?
Schools in Rugby and Warwickshire need a setting that can support their students and deliver a real impact; a service that implements interventions that are meaningful, personalised and effective.
We will work with the young person, parent/carer and the school to ensure that there is a positive and personalised pathway that is focused on building self-esteem, confidence and motivation.
Our intervention will build in regular mentoring time focusing on transferring what they learn at Ignition Academy back into the classroom.
We will communicate regularly both to home and school to support a collaborative approach.
You will receive a report on the impact of the intervention including achievement towards personal goals and achievement towards any courses they have participated in.